Thursday 8 December 2016

Saturday Night's Main Event - November 85

Saturday Night's Main Event 3

Promotion: WWF
Date: 02/11/85
Commentators: Vince McMahon & Jesse "The Body" Ventura
Announcer: Howard Finkel

This starts with Bobby Heenan dressed for Halloween smashing pumpkins over a bath. Hogan and Andre say they will win. Jesse is with Roddy Piper laughing about the Uncle Elmer. Mean Gene is with Terry Funk and Jimmy Hart. Funk wants the heavyweight belt and the titles roll.

Vince runs through the schedule and talks to Jesse about the wedding on the last SNME. We watch a video of Terry Funk attacking a ring attendant. Jimmy Hart says that was TV tricks, and Funk says he has some BRANDIN' TO DO. We watch a video of Funk beating down Junk Yard Dog with his iron brand. JYD is with Mean Gene now saying that was Funk's day but tonight is his.

Match 1 - Terry Funk w/"Mouth of the South" Jimmy Hart vs Junk Yard Dog
Singles match

JYD gets this started early, thowing Funk into the ring before he can even remove his jacket. The crowd have gone absolutely ballistic. JYD makes Funk bounce with his legs either side on the top rope. Funk leaves the ring to sort out his ring attire. He gets back in and body slams JYD, but misses the elbow drop. Dog gets his own body slam in and he then throws Funk out over the top rope. The crowd LOVE it.

Funk gets back in gingerly, but JYD hits another body slam and then does his usual heatbutts on all fours. Funk reels out the ring again, as the crowd bellow for JYD. Dog runs after Jimmy Hart, and Funk goes after him, only to get back body dropped on the outside.

They get back in the ring and Funk beats JYD to the mat with a series of uppercuts. Funk slaps on a sleeper after a 2 count but Dog gets to the ropes. JYD throws on his own sleeper. Hart jumps to the apron to distract the Dog, so JYD throws him into the ring, getting a huge cheer from the crowd. He tries to attack Hart some more, leaving Funk to come in from behind and hit JYD with Hart's megaphone. The referee doesn't see it, so Funk goes for the pin gets the 3 count

Winner - Terry Funk by pinfall (unseen megaphone attack)

Wow, I really enjoyed this, best JYD match I've seen so far.The crowd were into this from the start and he did everything he could to keep them interested. Funk and Hart played good heels too and the ending worked well. Great way to start off the show 3/5

Funk tries to attack Dog with the branding iron but JYD grabs it and hits Funk and Hart with it instead. Funk tries to pull Hart from the ring, JYD pulls Hart's legs and his pants come off. JYD stands on Hart and brands his arse.

We now go Mean Gene for a pie eating contest (seriously) where loads of wrestlers are dressed up for haloween (Macho Man & Elizabeth as Tarzan & Jane, Nikolai Volkoff as Robin, Bobby Heenan as Davy Crockett, King Kong Bundy as Abe Lincoln, Iron Sheik as Batman, Tito Santana as Zorro, Hulk Hogan as Hercules, Uncle Elmer, Cousin Junior & Hillbilly Jim as the Three Musketeers and Captain Lou Albano as Juluis Caesar). 

It's Albano vs Bundy in the pie eating contest, and Albano wins, Bundy says he cheated so shoves a pie in Albano's face.

The Hillbillys are in the ring for Piper's Pit, and we watch videos of SNME 2 where Piper interrupted Uncle Elmer's wedding, and Jesse saying Elmer & his wife kissing was like two carp in the Mississippi going after the same corn on a line. 

Piper asks Elmer what he did on his wedding night and whether he's thought about family life, Elmer says it's none of his business. Piper starts insulting Elmer some more, Hillbilly Jim gets up and wants to know who said what about Elmer and his wife in the ring. Piper says Jesse said it and he agrees with him. Jim says Jesse should come to the ring and say it face to face. Jesse comes down to the ring and says he isn't backing down on what he said. 

Bob Orton is in the ring too. He crouches behind Junior and Piper pushes him over. Ortona dn Piper then get thrown out the ring leaving Jesse alone Elmer and Jim. Jesse leaves the ring but Elmer grabs his hat and stamps on it.

Back to Mean Gene in the back as the next Haloween contest is a pumpkin dunk. Bobby Heenan will take on Cousin Junior. Junk Yard Dog has joined in and is dressed as a mummy. Heenan clearly cheats but Gene doesn't see it.

Gene is now with Heenan, Studd and Bundy, who say there's no chance they will lose to Hogan & Andre. They head off to the ring and the face team is with Gene. Andre says enough talking, lets get to the ring

Match 2 - Big John Studd & King Kong Bundy w/Bobby "The Brain" Heenan vs Andre The Giant & Hulk Hogan w/Captain Lou Albano
Tag Team Match

Hogan & Bundy start off. A knee lift takes Bundy down. Hogan goes for a slam but can't get Bundy up. Jesse thinks Hogan's back is hurt. Hogan is able to keep the upper hand beating on Bundy, and tags in Andre. Andre chokes Bundy with the straps on his attire, and Hogan is tagged back in. Double ax handle from Hogan off the second rope send Bundy towards his corner, and Studd grabs Hogan. Bundy chops Hogan and Studd is tagged in.

Studd carries on the beatdown, while Vince asks Jesse about what happened with him on Piper's Pit. Jesse says that on the next SNME him and Piper will destroy the hillbillys if given the chance. In the ring, Hogan has managed to turn things round with a really poorly executed back drop. Andre is tagged in and he chops way at Studd. 

Andre has Studd in the corner and accidentally hits the referee, sending him down. Hogan and Bundy get in the ring, and there's a short brawl. Andre & Hogan send Bundy & Studd out the ring, and we now have a replacement referee. Andre is all over Studd and Hogan is tagged back in. He takes a clothesline and Andre is tagged back in. Studd takes a boot from Andre and rolls out the ring. Andre goes after him, but Bundy gets in from behind and attacks Andre, tying Andre's arms up in the ropes. Studd holds Hogan down and Bundy splashes him. Both men double team Andre being caught in the ropes and the referee calls for the bell

Winners - Hulk Hogan & Andre The Giant by DQ

Meh, what started off as a decent giants match could have ended better. The crowd popped every single time Hogan & Andre tagged eachother in, and the only time the heels were on top was when they got DQ'd. 2/5 

Studd & Bundy continue the beatdown on Andre but Hulk gets up and makes the save. Bundy gets a boot and Studd a clothesline. Gene interviews the winners in the ring and Andre says he didn't get enough, and Hogan says they will never beat Andre. Andre grabs the mike and mumbles something, and we cut to an advert.

Gene is with Savage & Elizabeth and asks macho man why a woman manager? Savage says what kind of man is Gene asking a question like that. Savage & Elizabeth walk to the ring, Gene can't keep his eyes of Elizabeth's arse.

Match 3 -"Macho Man" Randy Savage w/Elizabeth vs Tito Santana (C)
Singles match for the WWF Intercontinental Championship

Jesse continues calling Santana Chico. Savage works up the crowd. After a series of grapple Savage gets the upper hand with a snapmare and knee drop. Santana ducks under a clothesline and hiptosses Savage but misses the elbow drop. Savage quickly climbs to the middle rope and lands a double ax handle. Santana kicks out at 2.

Savage throws on a sleeper and Sanatan struggles to escape. He eventually gets up and elbows his way out, but before he launch a proper attack Savage bodyslams Santana and rushes to the top rope. He leaps, but Santana telepgraphs it and punches Savage in the stomach. He stomps away at Savage and knocks him down again with a punching combo. Jesse moans that Santana is breaking all the rules of wrestling and you can't strike with a closed fist. 

Savage is bodyslammed, but then leaves the ring before Santana can attack some more. Tito goes after him on the outside and gets a couple of punches away. They go in and out again, except Savage stops Santana coming back in. Savage tries for a piledriver on the outside but Santana blocks it. Savage hits a knee lift and both men are counted out

Draw - Double count out 

A little dissapointing, if only because Santana spent too long of the match in a sleeper hold. Savage was great throughout and really makes people want to hurt him, he and Santana complimented eachother as they're fast enough to keep pace. Wish this could have gone on longer for a proper conclusion 3/5

Both men continue  brawling outside the ring, but Savage doesn't follow Santana back into the ring. Savage generates insane heat just doing stuff like this, it's great to watch.

We go to the back where Mr Fuji is making strange noises. He's going to have a Kung Fu challenge with Ricky Steamboat.

We watch a video of how Piper spent haloween at his 'rented home'. Vince appears to interview him. Piper starts wrapping a brick in tin foil, shouts loads of nonsense, puts a stick into a bowling ball and pretends they're sweets. Piper says in Scotland haloween is trick or treat, so he's making tricks. Some kids knock at the door, one dressed as Hogan who Piper rips on. He give sthe kids the bricks & bowling balls, but they rip the kids sweet bags. Piper steals the kids sweets, but when they leave they say the sweets were chocolate covered ref peppers.

Hogan has just watched the video and is proud of the kids.

Mean Gene watches Mr Fuji karate chop a couple of bricks in half.

Match 4 - Mr Fuji w/Magnificent Don Muraco vs Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat
Kung Fu battle

Steamboat is with Gene Okerlund, we watch a video of Fuji & Muraco choke Steamboat by hanging him outside the ring over the top rope with a strap. Steamboat says Fuji will feel the dragon tonight (oooh er).

Steamboat chops, elbows and kicks Fuji down. Jesse doesn't know if this was any good or not. Fuji kicks Steamboat in the balls, and then headbutts The Dragon in the groin. Fuji gets in a chop, but Steamboat fights back with quick elbows and kicks. Fuji chops back and 1 finger throws Steamboat across the ring. The crowd aren't into this at all. Fuji kicks some more and tries a suplex, but Fuji reverses this into a suplex of his own. Steamboat lands a dropkick from the top rope and pins Fuji.

Winner - Ricky Steamboat by pinfall (Dropkick from the top rope)

Crap from start to finish. I love Steamboat, but this was just stupid. A kung fu battle where no one blocks, and in the end a suplux & dropkick end it. I'm not buying it, and neither did the crowd. Thankfully it was very short. 1/5

Steamboat tries to celebrate but Muraco comes into the ring and spits red mist into Steamboat's face, blinding The Dragon. Muraco and Fuji hammer away on Steamboat and eventually leave the ring.

Back to the Haloween party/contest, and Gene is with Miss Elizabeth, who is smoking hot. The last round is a pumkin pass - passing pumpkings to eachother without using your hands.

Jesse says he wasn't surpised Albano won the pie eating contest because he is a fat sloppy pig. The faces try the pumpkin pass first, and get 5, Albano dropping to Hogan. Piper has turned up dressed as Superman. The heels blatantly cheat covering the passes with capes. Piper drops it passing to Elizabeth, the faces win. Savage flips out on Elizabeth, he's so good at making you hate him.

After an ad break Vince, Jesse and Gene are by the pumpkin dunking bath. Jesse says him and Piper want the Hillbillys at the next SNME.

And the show ends without someone falling into cake! FARCE!

More of a fun show this one for kids. Savage & Santana put on a good match, the rest not really rememberable. The next SNME was in January 86, which will be my next review


Wednesday 7 December 2016

Saturday Night's Main Event - October 85

Saturday Night's Main Event 2

Promotion: WWF
Date: 05/10/85
Commentators: Vince McMahon & Jesse Ventura
Announcer: Howard Finkel

The show starts with Mean Gene talking to Nikolai Volkoff and his manager Classie Freddie Blassie. Volkoff is facing Hogan tonight for the title, and says after he wins he will tell Russia to press the button to destroy America. We go to a snippet of Hogan doing a typical promo, saying when he's done with Volkoff the only flag flying will the red, white and blue. We then go to Mean Gene who is with Uncle Elmer and Hillbilly Jim, one of whom is getting married on the show later. Piper interrupts and says lots of gibberish, and gets cut off by the opening titles

Vince runs through the planned schedule, while Jesse laments at the prospect of the marriage due to happen. Jesse is also wearing huge yellow and black glasses, which look amazing. We then head to the ring for the first match

Match 1 - Nikolai Volkoff w/Freddie Blassie vs Hulk Hogan (C)
Singles match for the WWF World Heavyweight Championship 

Volkoff sings his Soviet Anthem, Hogan is with Mean Gene saying he's going to bring the American flag to the ring with him. The match may as well be Evil Russia vs Saintly USA, as all Russians around this time get booed out the building. 

Hogan gets in the ring, waves the flag around and turns his back when passing the flag to someone on the outside. Volkoff attacks straight away with stomps, strikes and headbutts. Hogan's vest is ripped off and Volkoff chokes Hulk with it. Volkoff tries to slam Hogan's head into the turnbuckle but Hulk  blocks this and turns the tables his way, and starts to go on the attack.

He lands a clothesline and elbow drop combo and a rare headbutt. Volkoff is then booted over the top rope, and Volkoff gets back into it by shoving Hogan into the ring post. Volkoff beats Hogan to the mat back inside the ring and lands a double ax handle from the second rope. Hogan's in trouble and Volkoff manages to hit him with a big back breaker. Rather than go for the pin he poses to the crowd, giving Hogan enough time to recover so when the pin happens Hogan kicks out at 2.

Volkoff tries to get Hogan into osition for a piledriver, but Hogan is able to power through and back body drops the Russian to the mat. Volkoff is still on the attack and gets another 2 count after a body slam. The kick out starts a Hulk Up, he starts puching Volkoff, but gets whipped to the corner. Hogan moves out of Volkoff's way when he charges at him, sending him to the mat. Hogan runs against the ropes and hits the leg drop to get the win

Winner - Hulk Hogan by pinfall (Leg Drop)

Meh, not a bad match to get things started but nothing particularly exciting either. Volkoff had the upper hand for most of the match and mainly beat down on Hogan, although he did hit a big back breaker. There wasn't really much doubt that Hogan would win in the end, and the crowd loved seeing Hogan turn it around. 2/5

Hogan grabs the Russian flag, spits on it and uses it to shine his boots, causing Jesse to call Hogan a discgrace. Hogan grabs the USA flag and poses around the ring. He's then with Mean Gene, basically calls Volkoff dumb, and then says he can't wait to see Mean Gene play keyboards at the wedding later in the night.

Mean Gene is now with the hillbillys talking about the wedding and a match one has later on. Back to the ring for the next match

Match 2 - Jerry Valiant vs Uncle Elmer w/Hillbilly Jim & Cousin Junior
Singles match

Valiant charges and goes for a crossbody but gets caught by Uncle Elmer. Elmer bodyslams Valiant, pins him and wins.

Winner - Uncle Elmer by pinfall

Run. Catch. Squash. 1/5 

Finkel announces the match ended in a new WWF record time of 6 seconds. They show the previous record, King Kong Bundy beating SD Jones at Wrestlemania. Mean Gene is with Uncle Elmer who says Valiant should have kept his coat on if he didn't plan on staying.

Jesse is now in the ring for a Body Shop segment with Bobby Heenan. Jesse talks about Paul Orndorff, Heenan saying that he made Orndorff a star only for Orndorff to fire him as his manager on national TV. Heenan has put a $50,000 bounty on Paul Orndorff, which it sounds like Roddy Piper has taken up. Heenan says Orndorff should retire. Mean Gene is now with Orndorff, who says Piper isn't man enough to take out Orndorff. 

Match 3 - "Mr Wonderful" Paul Orndorff vs Rowdy Roddy Piper
Singles match

Piper is with Gene now and says if Heenan doesn't pay up the $50k he will rip Heenan's throat out, and says Orndorff needs to cover himself in baby oil to look good. He also takes shots at Uncle Elmer and his planned wedding. 

The match begins as a slugfest with Piper on top. It's all physical and Orndorff fights back. Jesse calls it a street fight with ropes around it. Piper DDT's Orndorff before stomping and striking Orndorff out of the ring. He misses a chair shot, and Orndorff slams Piper's head into a table a couple of times. Piper gets back in the ring, Orndorff throws in a chair and climbs to the top rope and lands a jumping elbow attack. Piper has jelly legs and takes a back suplex. 

Orndorff starts to punch some more but Piper pokes him in the eyes. Both men go down after a shoulder block. Piper goes for a running splash but Orndorff raises his knees. Mr Wonderful then lands a running crossbody, and both men fall out over the top rope. Both men are counted out as they carry on brawling ignoring the referee's count.

Draw - double count out

They billed it up as a physical contest and that's what we got. Short and entertaining, this looks like an angle that could have legs and carry on for a while yet. 3/5 

Piper & Orndorff brawl down the aisle, even going under Vince & Jesse's table, and then into the back, Piper locking Orndorff out of a dressing room.

It's the wedding now. Jesse says Mean Gene is like Phantom of the Opera on the organ. Uncle Elmer has put on a tie over his usual clothes. Hulk and Andre the Giant lower the ropes for the bride. The hillbillys and Lou Albano are also in the ring. People start throwing things at the bride, I think her name's Joyce, when she says her vows. Jesse is hilarious commenting on this and can't start laughing. 

When the audience is asked if there is a reason why these two shouldn't be married, Piper walks down to the ring with a mic, saying he objects, and that the whole wedding stinks, and leaves. Vince is made up when they're announced man and wife. We see the reception, basically a barn with a pig running round.

Mean Gene is with Heenan now and his team of Bog John Studd and King Kong Bundy. They slate Andre the Giant calling him the number 3 giant in the company. 

Match 3 - Big John Studd & King Kong Bundy vs Andre The Giant & Tony Atlas
Tag team match 

Before the match starts, we watch footage from Toronto a couple of months previously where Studd and Bundy double team Andre, to give this match some meaning.

Andre and Bundy start in the ring, Andre just lays a choke on as soon as the bell rings. Bundy is in the corner getting beat down and choked some more, and uses Tony Atlas to headbutt Bundy. Atlas is tagged in, and Bundy begins to fight back, but misses an elbow drop. Studd is tagged in, but takes loads of headbutts. Atlas tries a bodyslam but fails, and also misses a dropkick after whipping Studd against the ropes. Studd beats on Atlas then attacks Andre. When everyone's back is turned, Bundy sneaks into the ring and running splashes Atlas on the mat. 

Andre is tagged in, and Studd backs off into the rope. Andre beats Studd out the ring, and Bundy attacks Andre from behind. Studd, the legal man, rams Tony Atlas' back into the ring post, while Andre is avalanched by Bundy, then shoulder blocked by Studd. The referee calls for the bell, disqualifying Studd & Bundy

Winners - Andre The Giant and Tony Atlas by DQ

Not much really happened here other than Andre beating people up and Tony Atlas doing lots of headbutts. Atlas is a really big buy, but the 3 dwarf him in comparrison. I guess this one won't be over for some time, but I doubt Tony Atlas will be incolved in this feud any longer. 2/5

Andre fights back against the two monsters but 2 on 1 isn't good. Hogan runs into the ring to help out his old friend and they clear the ring. Gene is in the ring with them all, Hogan says he and Andre have something to announce but they won't reveal it just yet.

We then watch a segment of Mean Gene on safari, looking for George The Animal Steele. He finds him, Steele calls camels sheep, does elephant noises, calls a weasle Heenan, calls a hippo Bundy, and says a tiger comes from Detroit. Steele then runs into bushes.

Match 5 - Tony Garea & Lanny Poffo vs The Dream Team (Greg Valentine and Brutus Beefcake) w/Luscious Johnny Valiant (C)
Tag Team match for the WWF World Tag Team Championships

The Dream Team won the titles from the US Express, and we see a clip of them doing just that. Beefcake blinded Barry Windham with something to get the win. Gene says that the US Express will be at ringside watching this one.

I don't know anything about Garea and Poffo, although the internet tells me Poffo is Randy Savage's elder brother, and Garea is a 5 time tag champ. 

Greg Valentine and Poffo start with The Hammer on top early on. Poffo is bodyslammed and Beefcake is tagged in. Poffo gets the better of Brutus and lands a moonsault off the top rope from nowhere, but Valentine is in to make the save. 

Beefcake is on the attack and brings Valentine back in. Poffo tries to escape to his own corner but he can't get away. Beefcake is tagged back in and beats of Poffo some more. After kicking out of a pin attempt, Poffo leaps to his corner and makes the tag to Garea, who truns things round, landing strikes, a hip toss on Beefcake and then dropkicks both Dream Team members. Beefcake kicks out of a jumping cross body, and The Hammer is tagged in after a back elbow. Valentine slaps on the Figure 4 Leg Lock and Garea taps

Winners - The Dream Team by submission (Figure 4 Leg Lock by Valentine on Garea)

Beefcake got beat up while Valentine was mostly untouchable in this one. Poffo was quick and athletic, and his moonsault was pretty good. Garea gave the impression of an old school tough guy, but this match wasn't all that great to be honest. 2/5

The Dream Team beat down Garea and celebrate in the ring with their manager. We then go to the wedding reception. Jesse isn't happy there and just mumbles in the corner. Captain Lou Albano says he taught Cousin Junior to eat with his left hand. Larry Poffo gives the happy couple a poem. Mean Gene breaks a glass. Hillybilly Jim gives Elmer and Joyce a toast. 

Mean Gene has surprise friend, Tiny Tim. He rambles on gives them a ukelele. Jesse gets up and reads out a poem of his own, saying wrestling and romance don't mix. People get up to confront Jesse, he tries to back away but is tripped by Hillbilly Jim into the wedding cake. I wonder if there's a theme going on here....

Vince is sat with Mean Gene and Hogan, saying he has word that Bobby Heenan has signed off on Studd & Bundy vs Hogan & Andre to take place on the next SNME.

This wasn't quite as good as the first show wrestling-wise, but the shows have done a decent job of introducing characters to the screen and giving you a basic idea of what they're about. The next SNME takes place 4 weeks later, just 5 days before The Wrestling Classic, so I expect some build up for that.


Tuesday 6 December 2016

Saturday Night's Main Event - May 85

Saturday Night's Main Event 1

Promotion: WWF
Date: 11/05/1985
Commentators: Vince McMahon & Jesse "The Body" Ventura 
Announcer: Howard Finkel

Way before the likes of Raw, Smackdown, Nitro, Thunder, Hardcore TV etc, as far as I'm aware there wasn't a weekly wrestling show for WWF. Instead, they had shows like this, Saturday Night's Main Event, which I believe acts the same as Raw etc by having matches, build to PPV's, promo's etc. They're all on the WWE Network, so I'll be adding these to my reviews from now on. I'm going to back a bit first before carrying on with PPV reviews, as I didn't realise these were on the network.

This show is a couple of months after Wrestlemania I and the feuds there seem to be carrying on. Cindi Lauper and Wendi Richter talk about Moolah, Hulk Hogan and Mr T talk about their upcomong match with Bob Orton, then we watch the opening titles. Vince & Jesse then talk about the night ahead before the head into the first match

Match 1 - Iron Sheik, Nikolai Volkoff & George "The Animal" Steele w/Freddie Blassie vs Ricky Steamboat, Barry Windham & Mike Rotundo w/Lou Albano
6 man tag team match

Mean Gene interviews the face team of Steamboat, Windham and Rotundo. Steamboat easily beat Matt Bourne at Wrestlemania, while the US Express lost the tag titlesto Sheik and Volkoff. Windham brings up Mania but feels they can get the win tonight.

Volkoff does his usual schtick of singing the Soviet national anthem and Sheik says Russia and Iran are number 1. The faces come down to the ring all in matching black trunks.

Windham and Sheik start off and Windham gets the upper hand with an early hip toss and body slam. Windham wrenches the arm and tags in Rotundo to attack rom the top rope. Rotundo does the same and tags in Steamboat. The Dragon works on the arm and Rotundo is tagged in. The give Sheik a double elbow, before Rotundo body slams and elbow drops Skeik for a 2 count.

Steamboat is tagged back in but Sheik is able to wrap himself around and lock in an abdominal stretch. Steamboat powers out and hiptosses an oncoming Steele and Volkoff. The faces clear the ring and the crowd love it. Steamboat powerslams Sheik and follows it with a dropkick from the top rope.  He goes up again lands his cross body, but Volkoff makes the save. 

Sheik tags out to Volkoff but Steamboat keeps his momentum going, whipping the big Russian into the Express corner where he takes a boot from Rotundo. Windham is tagged in and they work a double dropkick on Volkoff for another 2 count. Rotundo is tagged in for a double elbow attack and after a couple of leg drops goes for the pin but Steele this time makes the save. 

Rotundo turns his back allowing Volkoff some rare attack time. Volkoff tries a body slam but it's reversed, and Rotundo tries a rolling pin off the ropes but Volkoff kicks out at 2. Volkoff kicks out of a backslide pin at 2 again, and Rotundo tries a sunset flip but they land in the corner. Windham is tagged in and tries a sunset flip of his own, but again they land in the ropes. When this is broken up Volkoff tags in Steele.

Steele starts to lose a fist fight and wanders back to his corner, but the tag champs drop off the arpon leaving Steele all alone. Steele looking confused has his back turned, allowing Windham to use the ropes to roll him up to get the 3 count.

Winners - US Express & Ricky Steamboat (Windham rollup on Steele)

Good entertaining tag match this. Steamboat and the Express kept up a fast pace throughout and rarely gave the tag champs & Steele a chance to make any meaningful attacks. Enjoyable stuff this and  the crowd were definitely into it. Solid 3/5 

The faces celebrate in the ring, while Steele does his thing of eating the turnbuckle. Volkoff & Sheik start attcking Steele, but he overcomes them and clears the ring. Albano helps calm down Steele, Vince saying he's Steele's former manager. 

The tag champs make their way to the back and speak with Gene Mean. Steele breaks up the interview before it gets going.

We now have a Piper's pit segment. Piper & Cowboy Bob Orton talk with Mr Wonderful Paul Orndorff, who they betrayed at the Wrestlemania main event. Orndorff tells Orton to stay in the corner while he and Piper talk. Piper calls Orndorff a loser as his shoulders were pinned at Mania. 

Piper starts telling Orndorff why he's a loser, and the best Orndorff can come back with is that Piper has been drinking too much of his own bath water. Piper's face is priceless, realising this is what he's working with. TheyOrton's arm  eventually start brawling, and he has Piper set up for a piledriver, but orton attacks from behind with his cast. Mr T runs to the ring to help Orndorff to the back.    

Mean Gene is with Hogan, and Hogan says this type of thing needs to be kicked out of WWF, and because it's mothers day soon he can't wait to get in the ring with Bob Orton. 

Match 2 - "Cowboy" Bob Orton w/Roddy Piper vs Hulk Hogan w/Mr T
Singles match for the WWF World Heavyweight Championship

I'm a little surprised this match is going on second. It starts with a brawl with Hogan coming out on top. Hogan back body dops and hits a trio of body slams on Ace, but Orton rolls out the ring to break the momentum. 

Hogan is whipped to the corner but moves out the way when Orton tries a running shoulder tackle, and instead of getting Hogan he gets nothing but ring post. Hogan goes to work on the arm Orton has in a cast and bites Orton too. Orton manages to fight back and gets a jumping knee to the chest to turn the tables on Hogan. 

Hogan takes an atomic drop and kicks out at 2. Jesse tells Orton to punish Hogan some more before going for a cover. Orton lands a knee drop andslams Hogan's face into the mat. He hits slow and methodical but Hogan starts to Hulk Up, gets a 2 count after a clothesline and elbow drop combo. 

Hogan has Orton in the corner going for a 10 count of punches but Orton reverses this into an inverted atomic drop. Orton gets Hogan into position for his superplex but Hogan counters this and hits a jumping elbow. This send Orton to the ground and into position for the leg drop. Hogan hits it and covers Orton, but their next  to the ropes so Piper punches Hogan in the face, ending this by disqualification.

Winner - Hulk Hogan by DQ (Piper attacked Hogan)  

Another entertaining match which was timed just right in terms of attack. Hogan started off on fire but Orton's slower style also helped in parts. Decent match that the crowd were also into 3/5

Piper and Mr T brawl in the ring but Orton's cast send T down. Hogan faces up to both Orton and Piper, but Orndorff runs into the ring to back up Hogan and T. Piper and Orton quickly leave the ring.

Mean Gene is with Fabulous Moolah, who says that she has managed to change the rules for the match with Wendi Richter by having Cindi Lauper barred from ringside.

Match 3 - Fabulous Moolah vs Wendi Richter (C)
Singles match for the WWF Womens Championship
Cindi Lauper is with Mean Gene and screeches like a cat saying she is Richter's manager and Moolah always interferes with other matches so she isn't going anywhere. 

Before the match starts Howard Finkel reads out a note (on a scroll) saying that Cindi Lauper is banned from ringside for this match, so she heads to the back and watches on a screen.

Moolah uses her strength to headlock toss Richter around the ring. Richter is thrown through the ropes, and Moolah goes to the other side of the ring to taunt the crowd. Richter dropkicks Moolah out the ring and attacks her on the outside. They get back in the ring and Moolah lands a back body drop. She goes for a pin but Richter kicks out at 1. 

Richter fights back and Moolah grabs the ropes to break up and holds. Richter sees this and picks up Moolah by the feet and drops her to the mat twice. Moolah kicks out at 1. Moolah is on the attack again with slaps and kicks. Moolah goes for a bodyslam but Richter counters into a small package for the win

Winner - Wendi Richter by pinflall (small package reversal)

I wasn't really into this match, but it wasn't terrible. Largely forgettable, and not something I'd ever want to watch again, but passable 2/5 

Lauper runs down to the ring to celebrate with Richter...and that's it for a short while. Back to Mean Gene, who's with Junk Yard Dog with his mum. 

Match 4 - Pete Doherty vs Junk Yard Dog
Singles match, 20 minute time limit

Can't say that I've ever heard of Pete Doherty the wrestler, only the musician of Libertines fame. I loved their debut album Up The Bracket when I was a teenager, now, not so much. JYD is the face in this, the crowd and kids especially love him.    

JYD sits his mum down on a chair outside the ring. Doherty comes to the apron and almosts looks to attack her, but JYD sees this coming and headbutt's Doherty into the ring. He lands a big clothesline, and picks Doherty up by the hair outside the ring. Doherty is acting like a crazy man, making whooping noises at every opportunity and looking at JYD's mum. Dog sends him back into the ring and no sells Doherty's unches. A snapmare and JYD's on all 4's headbutts send Doherty to the outside. 

Doherty climbs back up to the top rope but Dog tosses his into the centre of the ring. JYD grabs Doherty's hair and headbutts him 3 times. He hits an atomic drop and lands a powerslam for the win.

Winner - Junk Yard Dog by pinfall (Powerslam)
Squashiest of squash matches designed only to get people to cheer for JYD. He dance's with his mum in the ring after the win. I want to like Junk Yard Dog's matches but I'm not a fan of what I've seen so far 1/5

The show ends with Cindi Lauper's mothers day party. Mean Gene interviews a bunch of guys at the party. Moolah storms in and isn't happy she wasn't invited to the party. She starts insulting Cindi Lauper's mum calling her a scarecrow. Thes a scuffle and Moolah and Mean Gene fall into a huge cake.

Overall this was a decent show. 4 matches, 2 entertaining ones, Piper's Pit was ok, but the last 2 matches wern't much to write home about. I'm looking forward to reviewing the next one, which takes place around a month before the Wrestling Classic