Monday, 7 March 2011

The Adjustment Bureau

I'd just like to start by saying, I'm not the most articulate person in the world and often struggle to say what I bear with me


Watched this movie at the weekend with Lindsay not quite sure what to expect. The premise was interesting enough: Man is on successful path, goes wrong somewhere, meets woman, gets back on track, then told by men in suits that he shouldn't see woman anymore.

The men in suits are what basically got me curious about the film; the usual "who are they", "why are they doing this" questions.  MATT DAMON!! is the local boy with the troubled youth who done good who doesn't quite feel fulfilled, until he meets the woman, and they fall for eachother pretty much immediately. Not quite as fast as you'd expect, but no shocks so far. The woman then runs away from security guards in suits (I've always wondered why security guards wear suits - I never feel confortable in a suit, so I hardly imagine they're great to wear while running after people or fighting etc. All they seem to do is make shoulders look wider)

After a chance encounter on the bus (or so it seems, or does it?) MATT DAMON!! then gets to learn of the men in suits. Some brief descriptions of why they do what they do, basically them following orders, and mild religious references to angels tries to give the impression that they are following God's will, but MATT DAMON!! doesn't care for it.

The film then moves forward in time, basically repeats itself but reveals more and mentions things like how without the men in suits the world started wars and how free will destroys mankind. They now try to make sure that everything is going towards "The Plan", without ever revealing what the plan is, other than small snippets which are only ever mentioned to try and get MATT DAMON!! to do what they want.

All in all, the ending was quite disappointing, and the film really could have been something memorable if it wanted to. However, like the Lost finale, it just leaves lots of unanswered questions, and is jus completely underwhelming. Not something I'd ever plan on buying

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